God could not be everywhere and therefore he made Mothers…
And if there is one thing that is irreplaceable in every life, it has be the all-encompassing and unconditional love of a Mother. A Mother gives her life and time towards nurturing and raising a child to grow into a human being, but does not expect anything in return. The child grows into an adult, but the Mother always remains his emotional support and makes him into a better person. In India, Mother is put at the pedestal and worshipped as God and her blessings are considered powerful. As children, we will always look up to the love and affection of our Mothers but we forget what we are giving back to them. A Mother expects time from their children, not luxury. She expects respect, not gratefulness. She expects recognition, not material gifts.
She makes us laugh and finds joy in our smiles. She makes us cry but gets hurt more than us. She makes us welcome in her arms and gets satisfaction from it. Her presence makes us feel at home and her absence makes us feel alone. She waits for us every day but never complains. She feeds us but never reveals her hunger. She finds her happiness in our success. She shows strength in our failure.
It is in honor of these selfless angels that we celebrate Mother’s Day…
Mother’s Day is the day to celebrate and recognize the contributions of Mothers across the world.
Celebrated on the Second Sunday of May, Mothers day was started in 1908 to honor the Mother of Anna Jarvis, a peace activist. She campaigned strongly in United States of America to make it into a recognized holiday. However, she did not realize that it gain so much popularity. Though the idea of celebrating Mothers Day is genuine, there are lots of people who feel that Mothers should be celebrated everyday and the festivities should not be confined to just one day. So, as children we need to make an effort every day to make our Mothers feel that they belong in our lives, not just on this day.
Mother is not necessarily someone who gives birth to us but every woman in our lives who cared for us, fed us and loved us can take the position of a mother. Such example is Mother Teresa, known fondly as The Mother to the people of Kolkata. A compassionate and caring figure among the destitute and poor people, she selflessly served people all her life. In her words, “Love begins at home and it’s not how much we do but how much love we put into the action”. Love cures all the hurt and pain in the world and there is no better love than Mother’s love.
On this note, let’s all revel in our Mother’s love, try to make this Mother’s Day special for these angels in our lives, shower them with love, attention and care. Let’s make our Mothers smile with joy on this Mother’s Day.